07 March 2010


Day 1: flying flying flying, sleeping on the floor in the airport is fun, It kinda made me feel like a homeless dude.hahhaha So we get to Texas and I start laughing at the fact Texans have "Texas Size" stuff, being an Alaskan I find it funny, But I also kinda discovered, both Alaska and Texas, we can be kinda prideful so.. ya kinda had to check myself there.

Day 2: Well..... we worked!!! yay!! it was fun, total reorganize ness going on and we TOTALLY came together as a team, the guys worked hard, the girls did, no one fought, and also we still like stayed with the people we worked with even when we didn't have to.

Day 3:  More reorganizing. I learned a lot about the town, some of the people that live here and work here. we went to dinner and a play with some of the church ladies, good yummy food and funny play. :) I decided to share my testimony? Bible study......... doing that on day 5. Pray for me. :) I Love this place, its not what you expect, it's amazing to feel so welcome in a place I've never been.

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