26 December 2010

Passion placement.

I love painting. I always have. And I love writing, photography, and makeup artistry.
I have this idea, when you aren't expressing yourself by some sort of passion, your heart hurts.
I am NOT saying that everyone needs to take a painting class and go paint master pieces to release stress. Think about it, a lot of people love working out, they love sports, they are using their passion. Some people LOVE reading, they have ton of books, and read like crazy, it's a passion to them, some people love to talk, maybe they talk about school, or work, or a cause they love, they are passionate.
Passion is something that is lacking today, I think it's because when people think passion they think love, lust, a romantic feeling. Passion is: any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling.
I struggled for a long time, I thought I didn't have a passion, because I wasn't good at much, and I looked to the typical things, playing music, drawing, singing, painting, art in general, etc. I thought because I didn't particular excel it's because it wasn't what I was passionate about, passion is often mistaken for talent. Or talent is often mistaken for passion. But let's think about it. I have a passion for writing, but I've worked to be as good as I am now and it stresses me out sometimes, sometimes I can't think of anything to write about. PERIOD. Sometimes all I can do is try to do writing exercises, one time I just wrote out 3 pages of adjectives, purely because I couldn't think of anything to write. It's hard to nurture a passion when it becomes that stressful. 
But it's SO IMPORTANT! I'm not saying you need to work for hours a day running so you can be a marathon running, but not loosing a passion in the midst of the hell of life, going to something you feel passionate about, something that helps you expel and express all that is inside, is the best thing i know to do. I lost my passion for those things a few years ago, and fell into a lot of sadness because of it, letting anger control you is never a good idea, or any negative thing for that matter, grief, depression, guilt, regret, all of them  can weigh you down and passions and outlets are what we need to keep ourselves going. If you love swimming but aren't very good at it, it  doesn't matter! Have fun and do what you want, i know my writing is only ok sometimes, but I keep doing it, because it helps me and it relieves my stress and helps me arrange my thoughts and feelings properly. 
I hope that something in this jumble of a message helps someone. 
Use your passion! Run  with it and own it, and don't worry if you aren't perfect at it. :)


25 December 2010

Christmas day

So, it's been months since I posted on here and it's been months since I cared.
I've stepped back and looked at this blog from a distance and I am realizing how much I've grown since I wrote those posts. I have always been a writer, I haven't always wanted to or loved it, but it's always been something I could do.
I've rediscovered what it means to be truthful, or maybe just discovered it in the first place, being the one that has always got it figured out, has gotten me to a lot of dead ends, loneliness and feeling abandoned, it's only when I finally quit putting on the mask of a hero when I truly felt loved.
I have struggled with a lot of pain and depression in my life, it come from a lot of things but a lot of it is hereditary.
I've been learning how to tame it, how to not use it against myself, how to let the bad out in a way that is positive.
I'm learning, but I haven't learned it all.
I want to keep updating this blog, I can't make any promises but I think I can do it, if i really want to.
I have a few goals in mind for my life right now, and I'm making this one of them.
I'm also not promising philosophical stuff, or even smart stuff, just stuff.

I hope that what I write here can help others like me, and if I start to sound like  a know it all, I can be virtually slapped.
I want to help, but I am not completely healed either.

Merry Christmas.