So a little history :) I am a very verbal and visual person, and I began to notice this past few months how much the world just sends subliminal messages, about things from how crazy the government is, to how popularity is everything. the point is i don't have time to sort all these mixed thoughts, emotions and images until the weekend when they hit me in Everest like amounts of epiphany. (Thus the name; weekend revelations.) (Clever huh?)
I digress; history.
My passion is poetry, but more often than not poetry leaves gaps, in-completion (think that's spelled right?) in explanation leaving the reader confused, or even, with the totally wrong idea.
So I've decided to blog, it may sometimes just end up being a vent on some crazy event, or some 4000 word thesis of my feelings on welfare.
So I'm going to get on with writing the ACTUAL blog, not this crazy babble ABOUT my blog.
Plus I'm sure your just dying to read it :) ha ha. (this Photo was not taken by me)
~~Ruth 1:16-17~~