29 September 2009

Dr. Seuss

So I'm going to try to do a blog  everyday it probably won't happen, but I'll try.

 So I discovered this picture and decided to write about Dr. Seuss. :)
This picture was never in a book (at least that's what I read, if I'm wrong, I'd like to know)
  but it's a picture of a giant llama.
Here's my challenge to you, write a little story about what could be going on in this picture,
leave it in a comment, I'll write my story for it as well.

:)  (this photo was not taken by me)

~~Ruth 1:16-17~~

28 September 2009

Mirror Mirror.

Hi, (yes i will begin by saying hi.)
I just figured out yesterday how much we are like the evil queen in snow white, so much wanting to be the fairest of them all. many girls, (and even guys) deal with feeling unattractive.
Its natural for us to feel wanted, loved, etc. But at what price, girls will pile on 6 pounds of make up, straighten, curl, perm, push up bra, minimizer bra, make your lips bigger, make your lips smaller, put on more make up to make it look like you don't need make up. Crazy? Yes.
I see girls every day that look in the mirror and say: " I hate my face."
WHAT?!?! How can you even make those words come out of your mouth?
I've noticed often, girls that say this sometimes just want someone to say, "you're beautiful.".
On the other hand, some truly mean it.
My phone has a banner on it, it says: "hey there beautiful!"
Now I'm not conceited, I'm not flaunting myself, but I have learned to love what I have, and even the most ugly things are beautiful to you if you love them.
Confidence in your appearance allows you to be more daring, to buy that dress even though you aren't a size 00,
to walk into that job interview not thinking the whole time: "oh gosh he's staring at my nose."
it's not about being the fairest in all the land, (as our queen aspired to be) but about about being the fairest in all of yourself.
It astounds me how we can live with feeling ugly, people think I'm crazy because I like my face, well I can't go to the store and buy a new one, obviously.
Here's a word to girls and guys out there, you can't change it, yes you can lose weight, you can eat healthy and take good care of your skin and hair and those are all great things to do, but you can't change bone structure you can't change eye shape, or lip size (not without spending money you don't have) you can't, bottom line is you are going to be you forever. You won't be whatever pop star is hot right now, or whoever is popular in your school, you will be you.

I can't say I've never said I hated my my face, or that I never put on enough make up for 3 people, but for some reason i got tired of not liking myself, it was pretty sad I still had people around that didn't like me even when I was alone! I must say it's not worth it, it's easier to just feel clean and presentable and if you want, go ahead and take time to add cool make up, but do it because it makes you look BETTER, not because you think you don't look good at ALL without it.

I'm sure right now your thinking; "that sucks." well this is where loving yourself leads to self improvement,
No one wants to REALLY help someone they don't like, start liking yourself!
The ability to look at yourself in the mirror and not think "oh crap where is my make up?" just screams confidence, in yourself, and even in who God made you to be. Yes you can wear make up, just don't hide you, make YOU come out.

I'm not going to babble for 8 years but I will say this, everyday, say to yourself, "you're beautiful." weather its through a note or just saying it. (And meaning it!) One more thing, EVERYONE'S face looks a lot better in the mirror when it's smiling back at you. :) ( this photo was not taken by me)

Ciao Bella's!

~~Ruth 1:16-17~~

My first blog

So a little history :) I am a very verbal and visual person, and I began to notice this past few months how much the world just sends subliminal messages, about things from how crazy the government is, to how popularity is everything. the point is i don't have time to sort all these mixed thoughts, emotions and images until the weekend when they hit me in Everest like amounts of epiphany. (Thus the name; weekend revelations.) (Clever huh?)
I digress; history.
My passion is poetry, but more often than not poetry leaves gaps, in-completion (think that's spelled right?) in explanation leaving the reader confused, or even, with the totally wrong idea.
So I've decided to blog, it may sometimes just end up being a vent on some crazy event, or some 4000 word thesis of my feelings on welfare.

So I'm going to get on with writing the ACTUAL blog, not this crazy babble ABOUT my blog.
Plus I'm sure your just dying to read it :) ha ha.   (this Photo was not taken by me)

~~Ruth 1:16-17~~